The Pioneer in the Manufacture of Silicone Carbide Igniters
Surface Igniter, LLC has been pioneering the development of silicon carbide igniters since 1969. We are the premier manufacturer of Silicon Carbide ignition products for various industries.
Our igniters are commonly used in BBQ grills, clothes dryers, gas ranges, HVAC systems, boilers, and more.
Making a Mark in the Industry
The Carborundum Company developed the first silicon gas igniter in the late 1960s, the iconic double helix igniter. Surface Igniter, LLC was established in 1997 when Graphite Sales Inc. purchased the silicon carbide igniter business from the Carborundum Company. The double helix igniter was initially intended for gas clothes dryers in the 1970s. However, it was rapidly adopted throughout the gas industry. After more than 50 years, silicon carbide ignition remains the most reliable and cost-effective gas ignition method.